Dulanga, September 15, 2023 : NTPC Dulanga, conducted an enriching one-day training program on AutoCAD on September 15, 2023. The aim of the training was to enhance the technical capabilities of its workforce and facilitate the implementation of cutting-edge technology in project management.

AutoCAD, a widely-used computer-aided design software, plays a pivotal role in streamlining project workflows and ensuring precision in design and drafting. The training aimed to equip participants with advanced skills and best practices in utilizing AutoCAD effectively.

Commenting on the event, Shri K. Chandrasekhar, Head of Project, NTPC Dulanga stated, “In today’s dynamic business environment, staying ahead in technology is crucial for success. AutoCAD is an indispensable tool in our industry.”

The participants left the training session not only with enhanced technical skills but also with renewed motivation to excel in their respective roles. NTPC Dulanga remains dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

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